Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm Their Guest....

Remember way back when I promised to share my tips and tricks?  Well, I finally did!  Check out my thoughts on working with your littles in my guest spot on Bloom.  Thanks for having me Anne and Emily!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend Ritual

There is a Daddy in this house.  He has two little girls.  He loves them.  They pretty much think he is it.  Saturday morning I came out in the living room and there they were, snuggled in the blanket.  Him in the middle, a chipmunk on each side.  Still in pajamas, all three.  Pink hedgehogs and purple red-riding hoods and blue plaid.  Observing the time-honored Saturday morning tradition......cartoons.  Did you remember?  I sort of forgot.  That's why there's a Daddy in this house.  'Cause there they were rosy and giggling and warm.  And completely unaware of to-do lists or chores.  Just enjoying Daddy and Pablo, and Tasha, and Tyrone.  And now I remember.  That sooo happy feeling of an empty day completely full with the simple promise of Dad.  And cartoons.  And cold cereal.  And pajamas till....never.  They do it every weekend.  I sleep in.  Next weekend, I'm gonna sleep in again.  But this weekend, when I stumbled in, it was like standing outside a window in the snow, watching a family start in under a fully loaded Christmas tree.  And having every confidence they would welcome you.  It made me feel cozy.  Like he always does.  So glad there's a Daddy in this house.   


The other day out at the swing set the sun treated me to a silhouette of myself pushing the girls higher and higher.  There I was larger than life, taller than tall.  My arms, stretched like tree limbs, caught and released two little bodies on aerial seats.  I love the fine detail of a shadow.  It gave me lace from the leaves above.  It outlined every errant hair blowing in the wind.  It reminded me with graceful loops and a tiny heart suspended above my head that I was in fact still wearing the crown from playing princesses with Sue while we rounded up shoes and socks.  There was my happy projected in the black.  I smiled and kept the crown on.  And we kept on playing.  Happy me.  Happy girls.  Happy us.  Happy sun.  Happy day.