Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hello, Old Friend

Little Lou was sick last night. And today. Things are looking up tonight and I'm so glad because I hate when my babies are sick. Especially my baby babies. It's the saddest thing in the world to see that troubled, pudgy face just begging me to make it better. But I can't. So I hold her, and love her. And sing and nurse and we wait together. Until, finally, her miraculous little body works it out, whatever it is that made her so stuffy and downright uncomfortable.
This morning, as I was trying to feed the poor thing, and it wasn't going very well....my mind drifted back to the time I spent recovering in the hospital after she was born. I was having trouble settling down for a nap. Apparently I always get like that when my babes are new, just amazingly over-charged. My mind was so full of nothing and everything at once that I couldn't make it shut up. It just kept buzzing. I looked over at my tiny companion in her bassinet. Sleeping soundly, exhausted from the effort of her debut into the world. And although she was so brand spanking new she barely even had a name, to me she felt as welcoming as an old friend. The kind you will always love just because you simply do. I picked her up and put her in the bed with me. And she brought with her that cozy old familiarity. Then, basking in its warmth, I fell asleep.

1 comment:

Diane said...

I'm so trying not to comment, because I don't want to impose on the beauty of what you're doing here. But I just can't not say how much I love you, and how proud and happy I am to be your mama.